The Accord leadership

Senior leaders from across industry and government are driving the delivery of the Transformation Plan 2022-2025

Throughout this report, you will find references to a number of Construction Sector Accord (the Accord) groups, known collectively as the Accord leadership. Each group has different roles, responsibilities and priorities in relation to the Transformation Plan 2022-2025.

The Accord Steering Group is made up of leaders from industry and government. The Accord Steering Group's role is to oversee the overall Accord programme and act as champions for the sector's transformation. The Accord Steering Group is supported by four sector reference groups who drive the delivery of priorities from their sub-sector and provide feedback on relevant emerging issues. The sector reference groups are made up of leaders from the residential, commercial, infrastructure and Māori construction sub-sectors. The Accord also convenes the Accord Agencies, a group of government agencies that work with the building and construction sector as either regulators, clients and/or educators, and have responsibilities for delivering relevant priorities in the Transformation Plan 2022-2025.

Find out more about the Accord leadership.

Whereas the Accord Steering Group is focussed primarily on delivering the Transformation Plan 2022-2025, the sector reference groups and the Accord Agencies have directed their efforts on specific priorities affecting their part of the sector. While some of these priorities are linked to the Transformation Plan 2022-2025 and others are not, all the priorities align with the Accord's vision and mid-term goals.

Accord leadership priorities

Residential sector reference group

  • Building Consent System Review: Support the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s review of the building consent system.
  • Innovation Focused Non-Regulatory Reform: Initiative as per the plan.
  • Access to capital and maintaining development momentum: To mitigate the length and depth of the downturn, ensure we meet housing needs, and improve affordability.
  • Health, safety and wellbeing: Priority as per the plan.
  • Workforce development: Priority as per the plan.

Commercial sector reference group

  • Benchmarking and Accreditation: Initiative as per the plan.
  • Construction Procurement Capability and Training: Initiative as per the plan.

Infrastructure sector reference group

  • Unlocking Productivity in the Project Pipeline: To help the sector have sufficient visibility and security over long term pipeline to plan, invest, and innovate for the long term.
  • Network Group: To develop networks for contractors and professional services for ongoing two-way discussion channels about themes of improving infrastructure delivery.

Kōtuiā te Hono Māori sector reference group

  • Māori End-to-End Supply Chains: Initiative as per the plan.
  • Māori SME Capability Development: Initiative as per the plan.
  • Māori Procurement Panels: Initiative as per the plan.
  • Kaiako Construction Mentorship Programme: Initiative as per the plan.

Accord Agencies

  • Standardised Special Conditions for All-of-Government (AOG): Initiative as per the plan.
  • Public Procurement Planning and Phasing - Regional Pilots: Initiative as per the plan.
  • Productivity Delivery Groups: Initiative as per the plan.
Last updated: 26 October 2023